Saturday, April 4, 2009

My Intent is keep building Positive Energy

My Intent!!!

Woww. What a good website wherein People keep sharing lots of thoughts. I am talking about I just registered in the website. Let me post my first blog in intent about my intent. :)

Hello Friends - It is a great pleasure to join the intent family and share my little thoughts and learn much more from other's intents.

In this very first post, i would like to share few things i learnt about building postivie energy. Positive Energy is something that makes us glow. Oh, Yes... That makes us feel happy, enthusisastic, inspire us to do a whole lot of things and help us stay calm, composed with inner peace. And, i strongly believe that we may not feel high on all the days and on all occassions. Of Course. What do we do then? Saving is the best policy - Not just for money. Keep Saving. Saving little money always helps us later when we need it. In a similar fashion, saving this positive energy, having a lot of residual energy in us would definitely help in that day when events try to keep us low. This positive energy that we acquire today would save us then. It would not let us go down easily. This positive energy would serve as our best companion and would help us fight back to the top and keep us unaffected by all the other non-positive stuff. So, Keep thinking positive. When you feel positive, try to be more cheerful, inspire others, gain more positive energy, acquire more, multiply it and more importantly, save it in your mind. Remember - There is always a rainy day and we are all human. And it rains often these days :). So, let us keep acquiring positive energy, build an aura around ourselves. Together we win!!!

Have Fun. Smile a lot. Take Care. God bless!

And i received 2 comments, few moments after posted this. People keep encouraging you and i have started building positive energy. :)

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