Sunday, July 12, 2009

Pocono Mountains Retreat

Life was not really great. Atleast, i thought so in the first week of July. I even thought that i will not make it to the retreat. But then , there was this little enthusiasm left in my mind which said - No, we have to give it a try. May be - that might give a soothing effect.

Yes, i built up on that enthusiasm and i drove for the retreat. Incidentally, this is my first long drive too from Massachusetts to Pennsylvania. And Yes, Yes, Yes - the retreat did not just soothe my mind, but it changed my thought process altogether. I just thought i would share and in a way relive the retreat memories.

I drove to New Jersey with 2 friends, stayed in their friend's apartment, woke up and started driving to Pocono Mountains.
My GPS was supposed to help me out. And, it tried its best to take me to the road that leads to Sterling Inn wherein the retreat was scheduled to happen. God willing, i reached the inn.

Retreat - Day 1
It was 10:30 AM EST on Friday, the 3rd of July 2009. I just settled myself in 'Hilltop'(the place of my accommodation). And the retreat started with Bhajans and Keerthans. The environment was so peaceful. It was really nice to have lost touch with the outside world. Thanks for not getting my cell phone. It was really wonderful to see a whole lot of people, especially talking to elderly people. They had fun on me, sharing their experiences, giving their opinions. It was fun really talking to many people. Atleast in this nation - we do not really have a chance to speak with people unless they are in the same project as yours or you work for the same company.

Lunch was served and i tried helping people out with a little i could do. Afternoon session started with Swamiji Shri Mukundananda's discourse. I really loved all his discourses. Simple and powerful.We had a couple of more Bhajans, parikrama and had Yoga, meditation sessions. I enjoyed the walk with Swamiji and the entire team towards the water falls. There was not any waterfall that we could see but i cracked a little joke that atleast good that no one 'falls' although we could not see the water 'fall'. In fact, even the water did not 'fall' down. Good for water too :)

I was really spellbound by the volunteers. As Swamiji mentioned, they spent a whole lot of time - organizing kids events and other arrangements missing all the bhajans, discourses. Hopefully - i believe they get to hear the discourses from the video casettes. Yet, their sacrifice is something great. Friday evening went quite well. We all had an early dinner - close to 07:15 PM. I could hear people telling they have not had their dinner this early. Of course, in this modern era - we are not used to. But it was a different experience. Having an early dinner gives ample time for digestion. There was another bhajan/Keerthan session after dinner. I went to bed close to 10:30 PM. Alarm was set for 05:00 AM

Retreat - Day 2

Alarm was prompt. It never oversleeps. Surprisingly, I did not too. Took a good bath and i wanted to make sure that i was not late to the yoga/meditation session. I really loved and love them. Hopefully, will love them a lot more. The subtle body relaxation was really awesome. The breakfast was pretty good. During the food and tea breaks - i had a good time listening to the experiences of various fellow devotees who have been following Shri Kripalu ji Maharaj for quite some years. I love talking and listening to a lot of people. And this retreat was like a retreat's retreat. I was enjoying Swamiji's discourses, bhajans and keerthans during the various sessions while listening, talking to people during the breaks.

There was this Bhajan singing competition. Unfortunately, i do not understand hindi, sanskrit. More over, i do not know any Bhajans. But, it was really good to see a lot of people coming out and singing the bhajans. Although i do not know pujabi, gujarati, malayalam, sanskrit - i could feel the essence of all those bhajans - especially the love towards god. I really appreciate them all. Swamiji told that the winner would get a free entry pass for the Dallas retreat. But, i did not know who won the bhajan competition. Hopefully, i meet the winner in the Dallas retreat.

Lunch and dinner were pretty good. I kept asking questions to Swamiji as and when i get a chance. After dinner, the video lecture(discourse) of Kripaluji Maharaj was shown in a projector. Listening to his words, although i do not understand Hindi - i felt some kind of a vibration in my soul and i was moved to tears. Tears kept rolling in my cheeks. I was so happy that God brought this lamb wandering outside in to a herd. Following the discourse, with everyone interested - we all requested Swamiji to have an extended Bhajan session which raised the spiritual fire in all our minds. The day ended with a little dance bhajan which i enjoyed the most. As the clock ticked 11 PM EST, i went to bed. Alarm set for 05:15 AM EST

Retreat - Day 3

Alarm was prompt once again :) I woke up too and headed to the yoga session after bath. I was late by few minutes today. I enjoyed the yoga,meditation session just like Saturday. We had a little bhajan session. After the break fast, we had the final discourse of the retreat from Swamiji with which the camp ended with a beautiful aarati ceremony and exchange of phone numbers, byes, take cares.

These days
But, i really did not find it easy to leave the place. I miss all those Radhey Radhey wishes. As Swamiji mentioned, i am trying to follow Satsang for few minutes every day. I am also following Kripalu Yog's work book.

I would not say that the retreat transformed me to a different human, But, i some how felt that there is an answer to all my questions in this spiritual realm and to thereby keeping myself focussed. I pray God to help every child of his to realize him just as he showered his little blessing on me. Jai Jai Shree Radhey!. In the posts to come, i would share few little information that i understood and learnt from the retreat and Swamiji's disclosure(s), video lectures, interview excerpts, other literature. Overall - it was a different experience. God willing - i would love to be a part of the Dallas retreat program. Jai Jai Shree Radhey Radhey!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Stress Awareness


Oh my God. What am i doing? I am stressing the word "STRESS". Yes. Stress has become one of the most commonly heard words these days, when People talk. I am stressed out, man. I am feeling the stress. Oh my god, this stress is killing me, the list goes on... And then, I notice this article which is short and sweet. Why don't you give it a read? Thanks to the author Dr. Kathleen Hall.

Take Care. Have Fun. Smile a lot. God Bless!!!

My Intent is keep building Positive Energy

My Intent!!!

Woww. What a good website wherein People keep sharing lots of thoughts. I am talking about I just registered in the website. Let me post my first blog in intent about my intent. :)

Hello Friends - It is a great pleasure to join the intent family and share my little thoughts and learn much more from other's intents.

In this very first post, i would like to share few things i learnt about building postivie energy. Positive Energy is something that makes us glow. Oh, Yes... That makes us feel happy, enthusisastic, inspire us to do a whole lot of things and help us stay calm, composed with inner peace. And, i strongly believe that we may not feel high on all the days and on all occassions. Of Course. What do we do then? Saving is the best policy - Not just for money. Keep Saving. Saving little money always helps us later when we need it. In a similar fashion, saving this positive energy, having a lot of residual energy in us would definitely help in that day when events try to keep us low. This positive energy that we acquire today would save us then. It would not let us go down easily. This positive energy would serve as our best companion and would help us fight back to the top and keep us unaffected by all the other non-positive stuff. So, Keep thinking positive. When you feel positive, try to be more cheerful, inspire others, gain more positive energy, acquire more, multiply it and more importantly, save it in your mind. Remember - There is always a rainy day and we are all human. And it rains often these days :). So, let us keep acquiring positive energy, build an aura around ourselves. Together we win!!!

Have Fun. Smile a lot. Take Care. God bless!

And i received 2 comments, few moments after posted this. People keep encouraging you and i have started building positive energy. :)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Thank You 2009 for joining us!

Back to the world of blogs, after a long while which is usual again. It was a busy 2008 and the business('busy'ness) continues in 2009 as well. :). Okay. Not more from me this time. I have decided to post all the good emails that inspire me, in this blog so that i could jump in when i am in need of lifting my spirits higher. You could do that as well visiting this blog. No Entry Fee! :P Having said all these, I should also tell - "Wishing you all a very happy new year 2009". There you go....

Thanks to Senthil Kumaran and Kanna for this forward email

Broken Finger

A man once went to see a doctor complaining of aches and pains all over his body. "Doctor my whole body hurts me," he moaned. The doctor asked him to show exactly where the pain was.

The man explained, "When I touch my shoulder, it hurts. When I touch my back it hurts. When I touch my legs, they hurt."

The doctor did a thorough examination and told the man- "Sir, there is nothing wrong with your body. Your finger is broken. That is why it hurts wherever you touch. Get your finger plastered, rest it for a couple of weeks and all of your pains will disappear."!!

Looks like a Joke? Read on....


In life so frequently it is our own perspective that causes us pain or pleasure.
As we go through life "feeling" the world with our fingers, if our finger is broken naturally we will experience pain everywhere.

But, we make the mistake of blaming the external world for our ailments: "My job is over-taxing, my husband is too demanding, my wife nags, my children are disobedient, my in-laws don't understand me, etc. etc."

But if you look throughout the world you will be able to find someone who has the same type of job, but is calm, or someone who has the same type of spouse but is happy, or someone who has the same type of children but is patient, or someone who has the same type of in-laws but is grateful.

What is it that allows 2 people to experience the same external situation but respond in 2 different ways?

Our own perspective Our own perceptionThe key, then, is not to try to change every situation in our life, but rather to change the glasses through which we see the world.

Sure, if we have a fixable situation at the office or at home, we should definitely do our best to improve it. But, what we have observed is that if someone has the nature to be dissatisfied, or the nature to be stressed, or the nature to be pained, that person's nature is not going to change simply by changing the external situation.

A massage for the back or shoulder or legs would not help the man in our earlier example because it is his finger which is broken. He could spend hundreds of dollars to ease the pain in his body, but unless he puts his broken finger in a splint, he will continue to experience pain every time that finger touches the various parts of his body.

Similarly, we run around through life trying to "fix" our jobs or marriages or family life, but frequently the reality is in our own perspective. If we spend the same amount of energy "fixing" our perspective as we spend trying to "fix" our spouse or children,
everything would be fine. This is not to say that pains and troubles don't really exist in our day to day life. Of course they do. The man in our example may also have a stiff back or sore shoulders. But the excruciating pain he experienced was due not to the minor aches and pains in his body, but due to the severely broken finger with which he was touching them.

Similarly, our jobs and our families are taxing. They demand a lot of us. But the unbearable pain many of us experience is due not to the demands and commands from without, but due to the demands and commands from within ourselves.

In the
holy book, it is said that we are our best friend and also our own worst enemy, depending upon how we live our lives.

In this New Year, let us all take some time to examine what our own personal "broken finger" is. What is it within ourselves that causes us to experience pain in the world? What irrational fear, what unattainable desire, what selfish motive, what ego-driven need has broken the finger with which we feel the world or has colored the glasses with which we see? We spend so much time examining others, but very little time examining our own selves. The Source of all joy and peace lies within us. We are blocked from that Source by a host of desires, fears and ignorance. The key to finding and tapping into that Source must come from within.

Let us find the key within ourselves and unleash the Ocean of Divine Bliss in our lives!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

A Moment to Remember

A Moment to Remember...
It all started one fine day when i started watching the movie 'My Sassy Girl'. A couple of more korean movies after that. With every Korean movie i watch, i wait for the next week end as i prefer watching Korean movies during week ends with lights off(theatre set-up :0) and all alone with no one to see my emotions.

And today, it was 'A Moment to Remember'. The crux of the movie is about the infamous Alzheimer's disease. Pardon me, i don't know the name of the lead role actor(s), but, the guy and the girl have played an amazing role. True Love is what i see in the movie. I understand this is just a movie and we should not be carried away thinking this might be the true love we might get / exhibit. And for the first time, i am writing something right from my heart not just those flashy words for the blog. The movie teaches you many things - The most famous dialogue from the movie - 'Forgiving is like giving hate a very small room in your heart' - Yes, it is. And in the climax, when the girl asks if this is heaven - i almost felt watching heaven. I may sound stupid, but that very moment when you watch the scene where the guy takes her to the department store, the place where they met for the first time - all those .... i am speechless. Love.. Love...Love is not just about romance, exchanging words of pleasure and i understood that Love is not just about loving... it's much beyond than that. Is it Caring? or something else?? i don't know man. Don't ask me about that. And dont be deceived that i am heart-broken and so i love watching these kind of movies(Am i??) - Come on. Read my earlier post - I am just another guy you would see in your daily life. But, there is always a MOMENT to Remeber for everyone. For some people - not just a moment, may be moment(s). Cherish those moments and lead an awesome life. Stay Happy. Later. :)

Monday, October 27, 2008

Deepaavali - Thala Deepaavali

Ada - Title padichittu Namma Committed group nu ninaichikaatheenga. Uncommitted sweet lovable bachelor rascal thaaan. (ok ok - Puriyudhu - Thitaadhenga.. Venaam valikkudhu. Right Vidu. Attack Panniteengala - mela padikka poikkittey irunga).Yedhukkaaga indha blog. Waiteess..

It all started with this phone conversation in the morning.

Me : Hello
Opp : yaa
Me: This is Akhino Sukomuto calling from National Electric Corporation, Japan Is this Mr.G*?
Opp : Yes, it is
Me : Hi G*, We wish you a very happy deepvali*(Japanese accent)
Opp : Oh, thank you, thank you - May i know who is this?
Me : Dei Naaye, Naaye, Naan thaan da Baalaji
Opp : Ayyyo Maapu, Naan unmaiyavey yen client thaan kooptaan nu ninaichuten maapu.
Me : aamam daa, Unakku Diwali nu client Japan la irundhu koopda poran.
opp : Illai daaa, Nee yenga Japan Client maathiriyey pesuna daaa.
Me : Ada paavi - ivvlo kevalamaava engleesh pesuren. Right - okay!
and the conversation goes on with lots of sensor cuts.

Yes, Aamanga aamam - Innaiku 27th of September 2008 - Deepawali - Indha generation style la Diwali.

May be this is the first time, namma Life la Deepawali sathamey illaama mudiya poguthu. yenna Panrathu. Big Annan US la irukkoam. Adhaan Reason.

Aana, inga mathapadi gummu thaan - Kaalai la Idli, Dosai, Vadai, Kozhi kolambu, Lunch ku Vaazha yelai la Mutton biriyaani, Evening light aah Paayasam saaptu night marupadiyum Dosai + kari kozhambu.
Ipdi ellam irundhaa nallaa thaan irundhirukkum aana, apdi yedhuvum nadakkalainga.

In fact sollapona - Innaiku deepawali deepawali nu naan one hour ku once solli solli sandhosapatten. Afternoon mattum konjam ninaicha maathiri nadandhadhu. Yelai pottu saapdalaam nu paathen. Chance kidaikkalai. vitruvomaa -Arivaali pullainga la namma - Yelaiyavey saapten(bayamvendam - Caesar Salad - Adhukkku yen apdi peru vachaanunga oru amma solla aarambichuchu. Naan sirichikittey ketkuren. Aana manasukkulley[ Thaaye - Peru vachadhu irukkkattum. Mudhula vayithukkku soru vai maa]).

Apdiyey rewind panni India pakkam Ponaa - Diwali celebration(Naanum this generation thaanga - athaan Diwali) - School Days(Happy days la). Diwali crackers Gift pack ellam ready aah irukkum. Eppo daa Diwali nu apdiyey wait pannitu iruppoam. Diwali celebration ai vida, Diwali varradhukku munnadi one week celebration paarunga, chancey illai - Pona varusham vedichatukku appuram meedhi irukkura vediyai yeduthu veyil la kaaya vaikkiradhu apdi ipdi nu oru periya preparation phase poittu irukkum. Diwali Naalaikku naa, avan avan innaikey aarambichiduvaan. Namma Diwali annaikku kalakkkuvoam nu wait panrathu. Sun Tv, Vijay Tv, Jaya Tv la ellam sirappu nigazchi enna enna nu trailer otta aarambichuduvaan. yei Sun Tv la 'Baatsha', Jaya tv la 'Indian' nu oru periya Film Festival aarambikkum. Diwali leave ku munnadi school la yellar kittayum 'Happy Diwali', 'Happy diwali' nu sollradhula oru alavillaa sandhosham.

Diwali ku two days munnadiyey veet la Adhirasam, Murukku, Thattai, Seedai, Samosa nu Ammavum Paatiyum avanga preparationai aarambichiduvaanga.Adhulaiyum, Ammavukkum Paatikkum oru porey nadakkum - Murukku maavu la ulundhu kammi aayiduchu. samosa vukku inippu kammi aayiduchu nu. Aana, idhellam Nammalai yedhuvum seyyaadhu. Murukkai norikkitu iruppoam. Samosa vai saaptu thallitu iruppoam. Veet la irukkuravanga konjam gavanichu adhai alamaari la pooti vacha thaan Diwali varaikkum thaangum.

Andah pre-Diwali week la, Namma vedikkira orey vedi - Roll cap and Pottu vedi, konjam periyaal aanathukku appuram - Bijili. Apdi ipdi nu idho adho nu vandhuduchu Diwali nu paathaa - yenga - ada Dress yeh yedukkaliyey. Po - Diwali ku munnadi varra week end la Madurai haajemoosa la, Rajmahal la nu suthi thirinju yellarukkum pudhu dress vaangittu, tailor kitta kuduthaa -avan Diwali romba busy thambi nu solluvaan. Namma Appa, vandhadhukku appuram - 'Seri sir, Diwali ku mundhina Naal thambi ya vandhu vaaangikka sollunga' solluvaapla. Wait panni vangitu vandhu pottu paathu fitting ellaam sariyaa irukkumaa nu check panradhu. Appo ellam Trial room, real room nu yedhum illai la bossu. Fitting sariyaaa illai naa, odu - thirumba Tailor annan kitta.

Oru vazhiya yella savalaiyum samaalichu Diwali annikku - 'All Set for Diwali' nu thoonga povoam - Kannu moodna udaney vidinjidaadha nu ninaichittey thookam varaama andha side indha side porandu porandu yeppo thoongunoam ney theriyaama thoonguvoam. appo - thideer nu oru sound varum - Ammavum Appavum Nammalai yeluppuvaanga. Appo paarunga - Diwali yai vida thookam perusaa thonum. Irundhaalum pudhu dress + Vadai + vedi satham manasai oru thidapaduthidum. Apdiyey yelundhu, Amma kudutha yennaiyey theichu thalaiku kulichittu vandhu Pudhu dress podrathukku munnadi - Ammavoda usual dialogue - 'Dei - verum vayithu la pudhu thuni poda koodaathu - Indha Vadai, Rava paniyaaram saapdu.' Adadaa - Diwali daily vandha nalla irukkaadha. Aaana paarunga -appo saapda thonaadhu. Namma full concentration - Pudhu dress + vedi sathathula thaan irukkum. Seri nu avasara avasaramaa saaptu pudhu thuni podrathukku munnaadi - Amma marupadiyum - 'Vaa inga - Pudhu thuni la Manjal poosanum' Namma appo solra dialogue- 'Amma - Paathu maa, thuni la romba manjal poosadhey. Appuram Style aah irukaadhu'. Oru valiyaa yellam mudichu Pudhu dress potuttu kizhakku dhisaiyai paarthu ukaandhu yelundhiruchu saami room la poyi kumbituttu amma, appa ku 'Happy diwali' nu engleesh la wish panni mudichathum, Appa - 'Dei - Vediyai aarambi' nu solluvaar. Sonnadhum, starting yeh sara vedi thaan - Namma avvlo periya waala ellam koluthurathu kidyaathu. 100/200 wala koluthinaa kooda pat pat nu vedichathukku appuram, yedho 1 lakh wala rendai at a time vedicha effect ai kudukkurathu. Idhula Pakkathu veetla yo, opposite veetla yo Namma set la yedhavadhu payyan irundhaan naa sollavey venaam. Appovey aarambichidum Kuppai collecting competition. Idhu Ulagathukkula pala perukku theriyaadha oru periya prestige war nga. Yengalukku enna oru ninaippu naa - yaar veettu vaasal la romba adhigamaa kuppai irukko avanga veet la thaan adhigama pattaasu vedichaanga nu yellaarum solluvaanga nu oru yennam. Andha vayasulaiyey yenna oru dalend paathengalaaa. Andha oru reason kaaga Lakshmi vedi niraiyaa vaangurathu. Appuram, Namma vedichaa summa adhiranum la nu solli rendu moonu anugundu(atom bomb) ai serthu saravedi maathiri vedikkirathu. Therula nadakkuravanga, cycle la varravanga, bike la varravanga nu yellaraiyum oru 100 feet thalli nikka vaikkiradhu. Yeppo vedikkum yeppo vedikkum nu avanga veruthu poi - ada po thambi nu solli nadakka aarambikkum podhu Damaaal nu vedikkiradhu - Idhellam semma comedy nga. Udaney veet la irundhu Amma koopduvaaanga- Vedichadhu podhum, vaaanga - Saapdalaam. Aah - Podhum - Next meet panren nu poyi Idli, Vadai, Paniyaaram nu oru vettu vetittu ukkara pona. amma Namma kitta oru plateaiyum, Thangai kitta oru plate aiyum kuduthu ovvoru veetukkaa poi kuduthuttu vara solluvaanga. Namalum poyi kuduthittu, Happy Diwali sollitu, avanga Dress super Balaji nu sonna, apdiyey Hero maathiti oru effect kuduthittu varradhu. Veetukku vandhaa - rendu moonu pack(from akkam pakkam) Namma voot la irukkum. Adhuthu yenna - Attaaackkk - Adhiayum oru kai, illai orey vaaai la paathurradhu.

Kaiyila irukkura kari marundhai yellam Hamam soap pottu kaluvittu Idli, Vadai, Paniyaaram yellaam saaptu apdiyey TV pakkam pona - Diwali release movies trailer/songs odittu irukum - Apdiyey paathuttu, Amma sutta murukku, samosa ellathaiyum thirumba kumuru kumurittu Paati kitta konjam kadhai pesittu TV pakkam thirumbu naaa, Appa vandhu channel change pannuvaaru - aah haaa- Mani 10:30 - ok ok - Kilambeetangaiyaa Kilambeetanga. vera yenna Solomon Paapaiyya vaikkira aappaiyaa - patti mandram thaan. Konjam neram kashtappattu paathuttu, veliya vandhu Naanum thangachiyum second phase vedi vedikka aarambikkiradhu. Heavy weight crackers ellam stop pannitu, bijili, kuruvi vedi yellam vedichittu patti mandram mudiyirappo veetukku vandhu namma programs ai paaka aarambikkiradhu. Sun tv la 11:30 ku padam potruvaan. Ipdi ellaam nadakkum podhu naduvula appapo Murukku, adhirasam, samosa ellam araippoam giradhai manasula vachukonga.

Indha Gap la Relationsku yellam phone calls parandhittu irukkum. As usual wishes. 'Baaga unnaara' apdi ipdi nu yenga style Telugu la kusalam visaarikkiradhu.

Kanmoodi thirakkuradhukkulla(Ada paavi kanmoodi yaa - oru paanai murukkai kaali pannitu pesura pechai paaru nu solreenga laa. Ada vidunga boss. Diwali naaley apdi thaaney. Idhukku poyi feel pannaaa epdi :)) - adhuthu afternoon lunch. Marupadiyum, Vada Paayasathoda oru gum saapadu saaptuttu slow aah afternoon nagarum. Indha Gap la Postman, Electrician, Municipality la irundhu vandhu Deepawali kaasu vaangittu povaanga. Idhellaam Tamil Panbaadu. Adhai cross question yellaam ketkapadaaathu.

Light aaah oru 1 hour thoongi evening yelundhaa madhiyaanam vacha paayasathai konjam gettiyaanadhaala tumbler la kudupaanga. adhai kudichittu, marupadiyum cracker festival nu solli oorai asinga padutha kilambiduvoam la. Ippo Kambi mathaapoo, Saatai, Paambu biscuit, Pencil, Changu Chakram, Bushvaanam yelaathaiyum yedhuthu kalakkitu - gap la 'Bullet' vediyai yum try pannitu, Kadaisiyaa Naasa Vignaani maathiri Rocket viduvoam la. Pazha thadavai Namma rocket adutha veetu vassal layo illai naa pinnadi theruvilayo thaan tharai irangi irukku. Adhaiyum thaandi - mela nokki ponaa, konjam nerathula kaanaama poyi kadaisila light aah tap tip bu oru bijili sound kudukkum. Veetu balcony, vaasal, road yelllathaiyum karupaakittu indha pakkam thirumbunaa mani 8 aagi irukkum. Padathukku naduvu la 08:00 mani Sun news odittu irukku. Adhulaiyum ' Makkal Deepawali yai sirappaaa kondaadinar. Aalayngalil sirappu vazhipaadu nadandhadhu nu sollitu irupaanga'.

Marupadiyum veliya vandhu, Namma veetu munnaadi thaan niraiyaa kuppai irukkanum nu light aah iruttula konjam paper ai namma veetu pakkam kondu varathu nu sila pala ulavu velai yellaam paathuttu common aah irukkura kuppai la vedikaatha vedi yellaam thooki potaa, tap tip nu adhula onnu rendu vedikkum. Apdiyey, ovvvoru pasanga veet layum koopda aarambichuduvaanga. Ada daaa Diwali mudinjidhichey nu oru feeling oda veetukkulla nuzhaivoam. Appo kaalai la vandha sweet box la irukkura Baadusha vukku Naanum thangachiyum sandai pottu saaptuttu, Dinner ai light aah mudichittu(Naal full aah saaaptirukkoam la :P) TV paathuttey irukkum podhu thookam kannai sokkum . Apdiyey thoonga poyiduvoam. Apdi oru Diwali. Innaiku andha maathiri yedhum nadakkalainaalum, idhai type panrappo yellam mind la oru extra large screen la odiduthu. Indha Varusham oru difference - Blog la Diwali mudinjiduchey nu oru feeling oda 'Publish Post' click pannitu thoonga poren. Meendum sandhippoam. Adadddaa, Solla Marandhutteney. Happy Deepawali.

ps: Idhai Blogaah thoguthu vazhanga yennai motivate panniya Thalai Deepawali kondaadum oru Thalai ku yennodaiya Nandri :)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Color of Paradise

Another Iranian Movie- I really don't know why am i attracted so much towards the movies directed by Maid Majidi. They are so silent but yet leaves such an impact in you. And , you go to bed with feel-good mood and a believe in god attitude and love all attitude. Atheists - Even if you don't believe in god, you would start believing in you.This movie is about a blind young kid who returns to his native village for his summer vacation when his 'school for blind' in the city closes for 3 months. His Father's motive is to get rid of this kid so that he could marry another woman. The kid is counting the minutes when he waits for his dad to pick him up from the school. He is so desperate to visit home back and play with his sisters and granny.

Couple of scenes that brings out the humanity in you touched me the most - few excerpts - (1)when he senses a little bird lying hurt in the ground and takes it back to the nest, (2)when he says his blind carpenter boss - no one likes him & they want to get rid of him because he is blind, (3)when he gives souvenirs to his sisters and granny and tells his granny her hands are the most beautiful in the world.(4) The most most lovely dialogue that he utters - I would try each and every attempt to reach the hands of God until he reaches me out.

Mann - I just feel like why are there more number of blinds. Why do we have to just bury those precious eyes in the ground and leave it to vultures rather than to someone of our own kind(human kind). I don't know if some one might read this blog. If you do even by accident - please please recommend your fellow mates to enroll in eye donation / organ donation wherever possible. I am not promoting any group, any organization - just for the sake of humanity to prosper and everyone lead a better life. Let your eyes live longer than you do.Live and let others live. Stay Happy, Keep Smiling. Later - tataa.