Sunday, November 9, 2008

A Moment to Remember

A Moment to Remember...
It all started one fine day when i started watching the movie 'My Sassy Girl'. A couple of more korean movies after that. With every Korean movie i watch, i wait for the next week end as i prefer watching Korean movies during week ends with lights off(theatre set-up :0) and all alone with no one to see my emotions.

And today, it was 'A Moment to Remember'. The crux of the movie is about the infamous Alzheimer's disease. Pardon me, i don't know the name of the lead role actor(s), but, the guy and the girl have played an amazing role. True Love is what i see in the movie. I understand this is just a movie and we should not be carried away thinking this might be the true love we might get / exhibit. And for the first time, i am writing something right from my heart not just those flashy words for the blog. The movie teaches you many things - The most famous dialogue from the movie - 'Forgiving is like giving hate a very small room in your heart' - Yes, it is. And in the climax, when the girl asks if this is heaven - i almost felt watching heaven. I may sound stupid, but that very moment when you watch the scene where the guy takes her to the department store, the place where they met for the first time - all those .... i am speechless. Love.. Love...Love is not just about romance, exchanging words of pleasure and i understood that Love is not just about loving... it's much beyond than that. Is it Caring? or something else?? i don't know man. Don't ask me about that. And dont be deceived that i am heart-broken and so i love watching these kind of movies(Am i??) - Come on. Read my earlier post - I am just another guy you would see in your daily life. But, there is always a MOMENT to Remeber for everyone. For some people - not just a moment, may be moment(s). Cherish those moments and lead an awesome life. Stay Happy. Later. :)

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