Sunday, October 26, 2008

Color of Paradise

Another Iranian Movie- I really don't know why am i attracted so much towards the movies directed by Maid Majidi. They are so silent but yet leaves such an impact in you. And , you go to bed with feel-good mood and a believe in god attitude and love all attitude. Atheists - Even if you don't believe in god, you would start believing in you.This movie is about a blind young kid who returns to his native village for his summer vacation when his 'school for blind' in the city closes for 3 months. His Father's motive is to get rid of this kid so that he could marry another woman. The kid is counting the minutes when he waits for his dad to pick him up from the school. He is so desperate to visit home back and play with his sisters and granny.

Couple of scenes that brings out the humanity in you touched me the most - few excerpts - (1)when he senses a little bird lying hurt in the ground and takes it back to the nest, (2)when he says his blind carpenter boss - no one likes him & they want to get rid of him because he is blind, (3)when he gives souvenirs to his sisters and granny and tells his granny her hands are the most beautiful in the world.(4) The most most lovely dialogue that he utters - I would try each and every attempt to reach the hands of God until he reaches me out.

Mann - I just feel like why are there more number of blinds. Why do we have to just bury those precious eyes in the ground and leave it to vultures rather than to someone of our own kind(human kind). I don't know if some one might read this blog. If you do even by accident - please please recommend your fellow mates to enroll in eye donation / organ donation wherever possible. I am not promoting any group, any organization - just for the sake of humanity to prosper and everyone lead a better life. Let your eyes live longer than you do.Live and let others live. Stay Happy, Keep Smiling. Later - tataa.

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