Monday, February 18, 2008

First Day in Class/Blog - :)

I knew there would be a day when one another chap - (none other than me) would enter the world of blogs.

I have read a lot of blogs and follow quite a few too. So, I just hope i could give out some interesting stuff that goes in my mind - my views on the world activities. They are just views, strictly.

Now, I remember my childhood days[Please don't ask me why] - I am supposed to be very good at changing the topics ;). During those good old days - [The days are old in fact. But were they good?] Hmm. May be - good, if i have to think about them now but certainly not good back to school following the Summer Holidays - Happiest days among Happy Days - Hurray - Why don't Sekhar ji conside this as a sequel to Happy Days.

Okay - I guess its enough beating around the bush. During the first week of June, when the school reopens - every teacher coming to the class would ask us about the vacation activities and since this is the first day, there would not be any lessons straightaway- Then,I always wished days were the same. But somehow earth rotates and day changes- lessons start too.

Why don't we look at this blog as the first day in class. I am not going to fill up extra space today - Just few little words - Welcome to my BLOG SPOT - Life is Beautiful - Njoy!

1 comment:

Maruthu said...

hi balaji, first of all happy birthday to you..

Brilliant man..
you already decided not to write any particular stuff, but to say that u wrote 4 paragraph quoting the school 1st day.. brilliant man..i think our school & college exam exp. helps a lot...
Nice balaji..keep posting..